Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Relieved by Collagen Research Article


Gary B. Olson, D.D.S.; Sue Savage. M.B.S. JoAnn Olson, R.P.P.
ABSTRACT: Twenty (20) people who had medically diagnosed fibromyalgia for two to 15+ years participated in and completed a 90-day evaluation to determine effects of collagen hydrolysate on symptoms of chronic fibromyalgia, with twelve reporting temporomandibular joint pain. Collagen hydrolysate is a food supplement that is available without prescription, with no known side effects. Participants were evaluated initially and then at 30-, 60-, and 90-day periods. Final results were obtained and comparisons made. The average pain complaint levels decreased significantly in an overall group average, and dramatically with some individuals. It was concluded that patients with fibromyalgia and concurrent temporomandibular joint problems may gain symptomatic improvement in their chronic symptoms by taking collagen hydrolysate.

This study is a report of thirty (30) chronic fibromyalgia sufferers who were supplied collagen hydrolysate. Collagen hydrolysate is a food supplement made from a collagen protein formula which nutritionally feeds the body allowing it to support itself in maintaining lean muscle tissue. These individuals had tried various modalities of treatment to alleviate their symptoms and the reported levels of symptomatic complaints had plateaued with no further improvement despite repeated treatments. The symptomatic temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) symptoms were treated without using a dental approach. Collagen hydrolysate helps the body to utilize fat and sugar effectively, as well as supports the body’s natural mechanisms. A pain patient of Dr. Olson’s reported that this brand of collagen hydrolysate had effectively reduced her fibromyalgia symptoms, so the authors contacted the distributor, who referred them to the manufacturer, Nutri-Diem, Inc., and Medical Director, Jean-Louis Robillard, M.D., agreed to cooperate with the study by supplying product. The authors received no compensation of grant monies for this study. Read Complete Fibromyalgia Report (PDF file).

*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. These products are a food supplement and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.